If you are looking for bubble tea in Bellingham or Whatcom County, look no further than the Spice Hut! We currently have 18 flavors of bubble tea in stock. We also pride ourselves in making each batch of tapioca fresh daily, it just tastes better!

Bubble tea is kind of like a cross between a fruit smoothie and an Italian Soda, with a little surprise in the bottom… tapioca pearls! You suck these delicious morsels up through an over-sized straw. We also offer flavored jellies, it tapioca isn’t your thing.
Our favorite flavors are green tea, mango, taro and strawberry. Our favorite thing to do is to either mix 2 or more flavors together, or pick out a loose tea from the wall and add that to a flavor of bubble tea! The combination possibilities are endless! Come in and try one out today!